Tuesday, October 4, 2016


This time we went to Canada.  We've both been to Montreal before, but never went to Ontario.  Actually, we started by getting a route to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and it showed us a way through Canada.  I figured that would be interesting and maybe this time we would actually see some wildlife besides our own two dogs.  Well, so far we just saw one deer on our way up through Vermont.

We left in the middle of the afternoon to make some headway.  And halfway through the ride G was too tired to drive so we stopped in a small rest-area in Sharon, VT.  There were a few big rigs, but it was quiet, cozy and free.

We bypassed Montreal because we've both been there a lot and figured with a trailer in tow it would probably be a mess.

We got into Ontario in the afternoon and didn't have a place in mind to stay.  I looked on my RV Parky app and found a great campground called Wesley Clover Park Campground.  It was small but woodsy and private.  We were actually next to a tiny little cottage that was empty.  It was a lovely place.  But all night long we heard some noise and finally realized it was the highway that we were just minutes from, even though we had to loop around and felt like we were in the middle of nowhere.  There were a lot of empty areas that we were able to walk the dogs.  There was so much wilderness I was a little apprehensive to walk my dogs alone, but did and still didn't see any bear or moose or elk.

The next morning we had our truck unhooked from the trailer and made our way into downtown Ottawa.  Of course it was rush hour, but we were on vacation and forget that everyone else has to work.  But, oh my goodness... OTTAWA IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CANADIAN TOWN I HAVE EVER SEEN.  I didn't get very many good pictures because there were so many busses along the sidewalk and it was way to busy to walk the dogs around.

Beautiful pictures to follow when I have amazing wifi.  Right now it's free and very sketchy.  I use to take wifi for granted.

Art Work in the middle of Ottawa

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