When I was little, I always wanted to know all the rules so I could follow them implicitly! And this craziness has followed me to my adulthood!
I actually don't like rules. But when they're there there's nothing to do but comply!
When you follow the rules, people don't notice you because you fade into the routines that people take for granted. Like the sun rising and setting, it is taken for granted.
I was also shy and agreeable until I was in my thirties. I thought I had left all that invisibility behind me! But I realized this week, I hadn't!
As you read in a previous post, I started a new job last week. I had three days of training. Then on Monday I worked on the register. As I left I asked my manager when I was scheduled to work again. She told me she didn't have my schedule yet and not to worry, she would call me when I was working!
Well, it's now Thursday and there has been no call! I again feel invisible! I was not hired as a on-call employee. They never even said if my $7,000 register cashed out correctly. They don't let you count your own draw to see if it's right. Which to me, is an awful way to run a company!
So I've been posting resumes for other companies and am waiting to see how long it takes "my job" to call me. Then I will quit.
What would any of you do in this situation?
Give them a few more phone calls to see when you are scheduled to work; meanwhile, keep looking for something better.