Saturday, December 22, 2012

My Simple Vegan Shepherd's Pie w/Carnivore Substitutes

Ingredients:  I don't measure things.  Use as much as you see fit for whose eating it.

           VEGAN                                                  CARNIVORE substitute

Vegan "meat" crumbles                                hamburger
vegetable oil                      
veggie broth                                                    beef broth

almond/soy milk                                              milk
vegan "butter"                                                  butter
pinch of salt


Peel, cut and boil potatoes until they fall off the fork.  Add oil to fry pan and brown onions.  Add "meat" crumbles till they soften (most are frozen).  Add corn.

Add veggie broth to fry pan & let simmer for a few minutes.

Drain water from potatoes and put in a bowl.  Mash together with almond/soy milk and vegan butter.  Stir in a pinch of salt.

Add "meat" mixture to a baking dish.  Smooth mashed potatoes on top.

Bake in a 350 degree oven for 20-30 minutes.

If you like you can add vegan "cheese" to the top or mix into the potatoes.
You can also put any veggies you like in this dish.  It is quite versatile. 

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I have never tried to make something so simple. I've made a version of Coquille St. Jacques with the scallop mixture put in scallop shells with a wall of piped mashed potatoes around the outside, so Shepherds Pie sounds like a breeze. Thanks for the idea!
